Geschenkanhänger aus Holz

Complete chaos under the Christmas tree? 🎄🎁 Rina shows you how to prevent it with wooden gift tags. To the tutorial!


Complete chaos under the Christmas tree? 🎄🎁 Rina shows you how to prevent it with wooden gift tags. To the tutorial!

Keksstempel basteln

In her tutorial, Rina shows you how to make your own cookie stamps. 🍪➡️ Find out more now!


In her tutorial, Rina shows you how to make your own cookie stamps. 🍪➡️ Find out more now!

Tierischer Christbaumschmuck

Rina will provide you with a tutorial that goes with the unusual Christmas tree decorations. 🎄 Find out now how to make your own animal figures for the Christmas room.


Rina will provide you with a tutorial that goes with the unusual Christmas tree decorations. 🎄 Find out now how to make your own animal figures for the Christmas room.

ausgefallener christbaumschmuck
Mr Beam Lasers

Would you like to learn more about unusual Christmas tree decorations? Then you should not miss this article under any circumstances. ➡️ Find out more now!

Mr Beam Lasers

Would you like to learn more about unusual Christmas tree decorations? Then you should not miss this article under any circumstances. ➡️ Find out more now!

Weihnachtlicher Dekorahmen

Are you still looking for the right Advent activity? 🎁🌟 Then build this Christmas decorative frame out of wood!


Are you still looking for the right Advent activity? 🎁🌟 Then build this Christmas decorative frame out of wood!

Gefüllter Christbaumschmuck
Marie Pieper

In this Mr Beam tutorial, Marie shows you how to make your own DIY Christmas shakers for the Christmas tree. 🎄 Now to the tutorial!

Marie Pieper

In this Mr Beam tutorial, Marie shows you how to make your own DIY Christmas shakers for the Christmas tree. 🎄 Now to the tutorial!