Brauche ich als Influencer für Instagram ein Gewerbe? Mr Beam erklärt's
Mr Beam Lasers

Are you an influencer and don't know if you need to register a business? ➡️ We'll explain it to you in this blog article.

Mr Beam Lasers

Are you an influencer and don't know if you need to register a business? ➡️ We'll explain it to you in this blog article.

Basteln mit Tonpapier

The lovely Rina shows you how to make your own DIY cityscape out of clay paper. ➡️ Go to the tutorial!


The lovely Rina shows you how to make your own DIY cityscape out of clay paper. ➡️ Go to the tutorial!

Was ist Tonpapier
Mr Beam Lasers

What is clay paper and how does it differ from other types of paper? 🧡 Find out more in our material guide!

Mr Beam Lasers

What is clay paper and how does it differ from other types of paper? 🧡 Find out more in our material guide!

Pfingst Deko basteln

Rina shows you how to make your own Pentecost decorations in our special Pentecost tutorial. 🕊️🧡 Go to the tutorial!


Rina shows you how to make your own Pentecost decorations in our special Pentecost tutorial. 🕊️🧡 Go to the tutorial!

Zukunftswerkstatt Holz
Mr Beam Lasers

On 13 and 14 May 2022 we were at the BarCamp of the Zukunftswerkstatt Holz ➡️ Now to the review of the event!

Mr Beam Lasers

On 13 and 14 May 2022 we were at the BarCamp of the Zukunftswerkstatt Holz ➡️ Now to the review of the event!

Teja Philipp

In this blog article, we will explain to you very simply what a diode laser is. 💡➡️ Learn more about laser cutter technology now.

Teja Philipp

In this blog article, we will explain to you very simply what a diode laser is. 💡➡️ Learn more about laser cutter technology now.